Still a Young Church!
According to the Bible a church is not a building, a denomination or a meeting time: a church is a group of people who gather together as a body to worship, learn and serve the Lord Jesus Christ.
Our first service was on Mother's Day of 2019. COVID has been a challenge with many coming and going, but we are still here proclaiming the word of God! Come join us as we dig into the word of God every week and worship our Creator in the biblical tradition.
Why Queenstown?
We are one of the fastest growing urban areas in New Zealand.
Per capita we have the fewest number of churches of any town or city in the nation.
Less than 4% of our local population attends any church regularly.
For several years there has been no Baptist church in Queenstown.
Jesus said, Go ye into all the world & preach the gospel to every creature.
What's Our Angle?
Every church or group has an angle - we'll be right up front with ours: We believe the Bible to be our final authority in ALL matters of faith and practice!
We are not into "religion." We are not part of a denomination. We don't follow fads, opinions or philosophies. Our passion is to know God by studying his word and then seeking to obey Him in all things. As John the Baptist said about Jesus, He must increase, but I must decrease!
4:30 pm - Adult Sunday
5:30 pm - Main Service
10 Douglas St
(St John Ambulance Hall)
Friday Bible Study - 6:30pm
Pastor's House
> email or private message us on Facebook for location
Pastor Jeff - jgwill@xtra.co.nz
Who Are We?
Pastor Jeff Williams is just another sinner saved by the grace of God. In July of 1972 he trusted Jesus Christ as Saviour and since then has sought to help others find the joy and peace that comes only in knowing Jesus.
Pastor Jeff and his wife Debby have helped to start Baptist churches in Dunedin, Timaru, Blenheim and Reefton.​ In 1992 Pastor Jeff founded the NZ Correspondence School of the Bible.
Are You Saved?
We don't have all the answers. But we do have a God who knows all things and who wrote us a Book that addresses every question and every issue in some way.
Whether they are Bible questions, issues in your life or questions about this new church, everything is on the table - feel free to ask!
Ring, text, email or if you would like, we can set up a time to meet!