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About us


We are not a modern, contemporary church - neither are we an archaic, traditional church.   Our desire is to be a Christ-honouring, biblical church!   At QBBC our goal is to be:



Dynamic, passionate preaching straight from the Bible still brings more lasting change than comedy routines, drama, or motivational talks. Come discover the benefits of Bible preaching.



The rumour that real men hate church is not  true everywhere. Come discover an environment where real men still believe and are taught to step up and provide sincere, loving leadership in the church and in their families.



Much church music today amounts to dumbing down the lyrics and cranking up the volume to build interest. The hymns we sing still generate an attitude toward God that is anything but lifeless and boring.



Casual is all the rage in Kiwi institutions, but God deserves better. While you won’t find a judgmental spirit here, you will find a place that still believes reverence is right in the presence of God.



Our culture’s experiments with the family have left many Kiwi homes in a sorry state. We still teach the biblical roles for the family as the best answer to our nation’s woes while also recognizing that God has a plan for every person, regardless of how difficult their family situation might be.



God doesn’t need a band or the latest fad to be exciting. We still enjoy timeless, Spirit-filled worship around God’s Book that stirs the soul in a way that strobe lights and dancing in the aisles can never manufacture.



Evolution. Atheism. Abortion. Euthanasia. Many churches have been silenced by the world or other "christians" because they have no answers greater than their own opinions. We still believe that God has something to say about every issue and his answer is always the final right answer.



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